a. Secure donation by credit card in the USA or in Israel: http://www.israelgives.org/amuta/580422657

b. Secure donation by credit card in Canada: http://www.neemanfoundation.com/donate/?purchaseform=1&prodid=75

c. Telephone: Call 04-6914235 (from overseas call 972-4-6914235)  

d. Checks:  

1. Pick tax-deductible receipt for your country of choice:





2. Check made out to:



UK Gives

Ne’eman Foundation

3. Mark in the memo section:



Tamir 580422657



4. Send to:

Mechinat Tamir

1 Oliphant St., POB 3585, Katzrin, Israel 12900

PEF Israel Endowment Funds,

630 Third Ave. 15th Fl. New York. N.Y. 10017 USA

UK Gives

483 Green Lanes, 

United Kingdom


The Ne’eman Foundation,
75 Lisa Crescent 
Thornhill, ON L4J 2N2 


e. Bank transfer to Tamir:

Account Name: PEF Israel Endowment Funds

Account Number: 0326932

Account Address: Israel Discount Bank, 511 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10017. 

ABA Code: 026009768

Include a memo designating the amount transferred for Tamir and notify us of your bank transfer at michalnatan1959@gmail.com.

The “Adopt-a-Student” Program enables individuals, families, communities, and schools to enable a young adult who cannot afford tuition in any capacity, to join the Tamir Mechina and benefit from its transformational program.

Individuals, families, communities, and schools, sponsor a scholarship for at least one such student, and the Mechina develops a relationship between the student and the sponsor. The Mechina first provides background information and a photo, and then correspondence via email and/or Skype is initiated. The Mechina updates the sponsor every few months on the student’s progress and the sponsor meets the student whenever visiting Israel, including a tiyul in the Golan Heights with the Mechina. Sponsorships can be paid in installments. To adopt a student, please contact Binyamin Schwartz: binyamins@tammir.org.il.  

Visits to the Mechina are always a memorable experience for the entire family. A visit includes meeting with staff, students, and a tiyul in the beautiful Golan Heights. Contact Binyamin in order to arrange your visit at binyamins@tammir.org.il